Hey, y'all! Today I'm answering questions from Olivia of the Fashion Fables podcast! I'm talking about an unforgettable day trip I took last Spring, the time I realized my own self-worth, and my experience in college changing my major and making hard adult decisions.
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get my merch, on sale April 14-16: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/cest-la-me?ref_id=20924
Olivia's podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/0V7gYk7TsbFtD358RNJkxp?si=yXjqXg20Q3izCovfl2-NTA
website: https://www.cestlamepodcast.com/
Pinterest: https://pin.it/7nAUO0y
email me: bonjourcestlame@gmail.com
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